About Madrassa

Madrassa Markazi Darul Qurra Nimak Mandi, Peshawar is a leading institute of Islamic education in Pakistan. It was established on 20th day of December 1969. Today it is a renowned religious and academic center. In Pakistan it is one of the largest institutions for the dissemination and propagation of Islam. From last 49 years, more than 30000 Huffaz, Qurra and Ulama have been graduated from Madrassa, among them, such accomplished scholars have come out, that they, in accordance with the demands of religious needs of the time, have rendered valuable services in disseminating and spreading correct Islamic beliefs and Islamic sciences not only in Pakistan but around the world.

Founder & First Mohtamim

Molana Qari Fayyaz-Ur-Rehman Alvi (born 1946) laid the foundation stone of the Madrassa Markazi Darul Qurra Nimak Mandi, Peshawar in 1969. He is an expert in the fields of Tafseer, Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh), hadith and especially in Tajweed-o-Qira’t i.e. Articulation and Phonetic of the Glorious Quran. He also held a number of positions in different prestigious Islamic organizations. He has written several books on different Islamic subjects. He remained member of National Assembly of Pakistan from 2002 to2007.


Madrassa Markazi Darul Qurra Nimak Mandi, Peshawar is affiliated with world’s largest Madrassa educational board i.e. Wifaq-Ul-Madaris Al –Arabia Multan in Alamiya Daraja. It is also permanently recognized by Education Department KPK, Government of Pakistan.


(1)Talimat (Faculty of Education)

Talimat is responsible of education activities. So naturally it is the second largest department of Madrassa. All the academic departments work under the supervision of this very department. The departments are as follows:

A. Dars-i-Nizami Department:

This department undertakes the education system of 1st Year to 8th. The graduates of this department are awarded with Sanad Al-Alamiya, which is equallent to M.A Arabic and M.A Islamic Studies.

B. Tajweed-o-Qira’t

(Articulation and Phonetic of the Glorious Quran). This is one of the famous departments of the Madrassa. Graduates of this department usually win prizes in national and world wide Qira’t competitions. Experienced and talented teachers have been appointed in this department. The department has witnessed a tremendous progress since its establishment and has raised its status higher among all Pakistani madrasas.

C. Tahfeezul Quran:

(Memorization of the Glorious Quran) This department consists of 10 classes which presently have undergone several changes that helped it to improve its performance.

D. Naazirah

This is an important department of Madrassa. This department provides basic education of Qaida i.e. Arabic alphabets and foundational reading of Qur’an with more concentration on Tajweed.
E. Ifta & Tamreene Ifta (Islamic Fiqh and Jurisprudence)

This department undertakes to train the students in Islamic Fiqh and jurisprudence. Its syllabus is based on authentic Fiqh books.

F. Computer Science
Computer science has affected almost every field of study. It has great importance for students of Islamic sciences. Madrassa has a well equipped computer lab. It offers many short term and long term courses to the students of the Madrassa.

G. Language Center
International languages have great significance. Madrassa’s Majlise Ta’limi (Academic Committee) felt the need and established Darul Qurra Language Center, which currently offers different courses for spoken English and Arabic languages.

H. Khush Khati (Calligraphy)

This department trains the students in calligraphy. All the Dars-i-Nizami and Tajweed students are allowed to enroll for one period.

I. Darul Qurra Shoba Banat (Women Campus)

Women education is as important as education of men. There is a separate campus for female students of the Madrassa. Darul Qurra Shoba Banat offers almost all the courses of Madrassa to the female students.
The Faculty of Education, along with the supervision of the above-mentioned departments, deals with all the academic and educational affairs of the Madrassa and executes the decisions of Majlise Ta’limi (Academic Committee).

(2) Ihtimam (Principal Office)

This department is the axis around which all the activities of Madrassa evolve. It supervises all the departments, takes necessary steps on application ns and reports of the departments, implements the proposals of Majlise Shura (Advisory Board) and Majlise Aamilah (Working Committee) as it communicates with the outside world and takes necessary action if required. This department is directly answerable to the Advisory Board. It is headed by the Mohtamim of Madrassa.

(3) Muhaasibi (Accountancey)

It is the most sensitive department of Madrassa. It looks in to all accounts of income and expenditure. The department undertakes to check all the bill, pay them and deals with the banks, distributes scholarship to the students. Al-hamdulillah, this department with other characteristics of Madrassa is an exemplary in transparency of the accounts that is admired by experts. It prepares the budget of Madrassa and tries to limit it within boundaries. No amount of money is taken without giving a receipt and no money is given without a voucher. Income and expenditure are regularly audited from chartered accountants.

(4) Darul Iqamah (Hostel)

This department manages the student hostels, allots them seats, issues railway concessions, identity cards for students and deals with their affairs. The Hostel office appoints security guards for Madrassa. Beside the head of the department, five teachers of Madrassa manage the hostel system. This department arranges seats for about 300 students.

(5) Matbakh (Kitchen)

After the establishment of Darul Uloom, it was custom for forty years that some students used to get food from the people of Deoband while some students were given scholarship and they used to arrange food for themselves. This system was harmful for their study; therefore, a kitchen was set up in 1328 H (1910). To begin with, the kitchen used to arrange food of 25-30 students and now it prepares the food for three thousand people. There are 40 employees in this department who prepare food, provide necessary articles, maintain records of students getting food from the Kitchen.

(6) Kutub Khana (Library)

Library is considered like a backbone of any educational and academic institute. Therefore, Madrassa paid special attention to collect books. The library of Madrassa has a unique collection of about 20000 thousand books, which include variety of syllabus, and non-syllabus books. The library provides opportunity to the teachers and students of Madrassa to benefit around the day.

(7) Darul Ifta

It is one of the most significant departments of Madrassa from which people all across the country question in their religious and social matters. Madrassa has issued fatwas from its inception but when questions started coming in bulks and it was hard for the teachers to reply them in their part time, Madrassa set up this department. Darul Ifta has always been center of attraction and held great respect and trust in public and court circles.

(8) Darul Qurra Social Welfare Department

A madrassa can’t function in isolation. Being social beings, we have to participate in welfare of our fellow human beings. Madrassa’s social welfare department is established at one hand to help the poor and needy people of the society and at the other hand to train the students in this important field.

This department performing following activities

  • Construction of New Masajid
  • Free medical camps
  • Water supply Schemes
  • Blood donation society
  • Supplying food and clothes to needy people
  • Preparing the students for helping the people in time of earthquakes and other emergencies.
(9) National & International Mahaafil Qiraat

Madrassa regularly organizes national and international Mahaafil Qiraat. Madrassa invites famous qurra from around the world, every year to recite Glorious Quraan in these Maahafil. People from every wake of life attend these Mahaafil in great numbers and it is proved to be a great source of people’s attachment with Glorious Quraan.

Madrassa Markazi Darul Qurra Nimak Mandi, Peshawar is situated in center of Peshawar city in a four story modern building. Madrassa also manages one of the biggest Masjid of Peshawar city i.e. Madni Masjid.


Madariss all around the world function with the donations of common people. Madrassa Markazi Darul Qurra Peshawar accepts donation from Rs.5 to above any figure, to extend assistance for the educational and social welfare activities. Currently Madrassa’s annual expenses are around 10 Million Rupees. Madrassa believes in getting donation from the general masses, so all educational and humanitarian based services are run on the funding of general masses. Contribution can also be made in the form of food, clothing, medicines and animal hides either.

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